Strauss & Co

3 dancers – classical, breakdance and contemporary – combine and confront their movements with 4 musicians.

Coming soon...

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Quatuor Anches Hantées

Based on a foundation of 20 years of experience, concerts in France and all over the world, the Anches Hantées Quartet (Quatuor Anches Hantées / QAH) is a unique and leading formation, developing its repertoire through transcription and creation of works of music.

Visual : Pierre Soulages, Painting 162 x 724 cm, November 1996, Oil on canvas

Belongs to the painter, on deposit at the Soulages Museum, Rodez

©Paris, Adagp 2023

Photo : Maxime de Bollivier

Fanny M.

Lastest QAH Album

With Didier Sandre, member of the Comédie Française

Ludwig van Beethoven, Richard Dubugnon, Fanny Mendelssohn

available on all listening platforms


He creates his own path. It is a lever for discoveries and rediscoveries, establishing a seamless link between its repertoire and its audience. This same public receives with open arms the interpretations of four musicians animated by the pleasure of playing, giving, sharing and inventing.

Become a sponsor of the QAH and help the Quartet’s influence and continuity.